I could not agree more with using both words and pictures to explain new things. The human mind works in different ways and multimedia delivers to allow for all types of learners to understand (Mayer, 2005). The example of the bicycle pump reminded me when I recently had to set up a desk. The desk instructions had only pictures to explain how to set up the desk. The screws were labeled by numbers but that was it. The first step in the instructions already looked half set up. I was confused on how to get the desk to look like step one. After a while, I was able to figure it out by using the one image. I think my experience would have been better if there were written instructions as well as images. Separately, the written and image instructions would be able to get the final step. The written instructions would be hard for me to follow but with pictures to guide me, it would make the process easier. Some people may only use the picture, some may use only the written, and some may use both. The goal is to set up the desk. The instructions are there to help you get there. Thus, multi-delivery methods are useful in all learning areas.
Hi Rianne,
I also agree that using pictures AND words to explain new things is beneficial. I also enjoyed your example of a bicycle pump and how words supplementing the images would be more informative and easier to learn from.
Thank you for sharing!